
Reviews on this site are merely opinions and may be moderated for any reason. I have not received any compensation for including products or articles on this site. I do include affiliate links to items and stores I have personally used and would recommend. If you make a purchase through one of those links I will earn a small commission at no extra charge to you.

I only provide links to products that I’ve personally used and found beneficial. In fact if you’re a regular reader you’ve probably noticed I tend to mention the same products time and time again. Over the years I’ve tried and used a lot of toys, leashes, treats, etc. I only share the products I consider to be the best in their category; if I’m not pleased with a product you won’t find it mentioned on this site.

For this reason, I don’t accept sponsored posts or paid reviews; although I’d like to believe I could remain impartial I’d rather not get money involved. Any product links on this site are to things I’ve bought on my own and used for years.


If you have any questions about Kitty Cats Mom, LLC’s affiliate links please contact us here: kittycatmoms@gmail.com